

Minggu, 31 Maret 2013

Natural remedies for flu

As the world braces for a potential avian flu pandemic in the near future, people everywhere are wondering what they can do to protect themselves. As we’ve all seen during the flooding of New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, we cannot expect the Government to handle a widespread emergency effectively. There are only small shops of Tamiflu available, and its effectiveness during a bird flu pandemic is questionable. While conventional medicine does not offer a lot of options to treat viruses, some natural remedies are known to have antiviral effects. These remedies were often used for centuries with little or no side effects. There are ways we can learn about now in order to strengthen ourselves in the event of an epidemic. These remedies may be useful also for the common flu that we deal with every year.

During the last pandemic in 1918, India lost 18 million people for flu. The grass that has been credited with the end of the epidemic in India at that time was andrographis paniculata. Andrographis has been used traditionally in China and India for viral infections and respiratory tract. Its effectiveness is supported by modern research. Andrographolides in this herb can enhance immune system function. Can increase the production of white blood cells, activate the lymphatic system and stimulate interferon production by the cells of the body. Interferon kills viruses and stops their growth. This herb can help our immune system fight more effectively against viruses. Andrographis is often combined with Siberian ginseng to boost his immune system enhancing effects. This herb has proven to be effective in fighting bacterial pneumonia and viral, what are the complications that often follow the flu or colds.

Another herb that has been traditionally used to treat viral conditions is isatis. It was commonly used in Asia recently during the outbreak of SARS (sudden acute respiratory syndrome) who lived. It is also used for people with other viral diseases, and AIDS and hepatitis c.

An herb commonly used here in the United States, elderberry, has antiviral effects, which makes it useful for treating colds and flus. Elderberry virus prevents the cells of our body, making it difficult for them to invade and start replication.

The herbal formula, Gan Mao Ling, is frequently used to prevent colds and flu at the first signs of an outbreak. Is more useful when taken right when a person begins to feel chilled and feverish. It also has been shown to reduce the duration of influenza, once the person is already sick. Yinchiao San is a formula that can help towards the beginning of a cold or flu, just when a person starts feeling feverish with a sore throat.

Many essential oils used in aromatherapy have antiviral effects. Eucalyptus oil, lemon oil, ravensara oil, geranium oil and Thyme oil have antiviral properties. These oils can be used in a blend of massage diluted in a carrier oil, or can be found in an oil burner, so you breathe in antiviral oils through the lungs. A few drops can also be added to bath water. Essential oils are the most powerful natural medicine infection fighters. Do not discount their power simply because they smell beautiful.

Digestive enzymes when taken between meals, are absorbed through the gut into the bloodstream. These enzymes can help to break down proteins that consist of viruses and can help destroy or inactivate them.

As you can see, there are many natural methods to increase our strength and helps fight influenza and other viral diseases every day for common ailments and also in case of a pandemic emergency.

Dental health: Stick your tongue and say-Ouch!

Raised as a Baby Boomer, I remember our generation accused of go wild with our socially unacceptable fashion statements. Young men with shoulder length hair and young women wearing hot pants shocked the nation’s sensibilities.

It has been suggested between the generation of our parents who we never would amount to anything with our rebel ways. Yet we have-we are honest community members, parents and even respected professionals such as dentists and oral hygienists.

And, while we thought that we had done everything, it came to pass that the generation of now-GenX-has set a trend that drops the jaw of even the boldest Baby Boomer.

Picking up from where they left the first Egyptians, Greeks and Romans, the GenX has embraced the art oral and body piercing and tattoos as a way to distinguish them by the institution.

Why is this mode of expression of identity-especially the pierced tongue-creating such concern among parents and adults that include the American Dental Association? We Baby boomers are just a bunch of hypocrites self-expression?

Okay, I confess to being picky on oral or dental pain. Makes my knees weak just to catch a glimpse of a barbell impaled language in the mouth of a teenager.

In all honesty, though, that is not the only issue at stake. Today we know a lot more about body piercing that the ancients did. Dentists and other health professionals know that oral piercings is, to borrow an expression, risky business.

In fact, the ADA, a group of dentists that set professional standards for dentists in the United States, is officially against any type of oral piercing.

Languages are generally pierced by passing a needle through the third cable language front, from top to bottom, usually without an anesthetic. The American Dental Association warns that if a blood vessel is the path of the needle during piercing, severe and can cause damage to the nerve and/or bleeding difficult to control.

The most common symptoms after oral piercings include pain, an increased flow of saliva and gingival tissue injury. The swelling is also common and dentists warn that in extreme cases, a badly swollen tongue can actually close the airway and prevent breathing.

The American Dental Association mentions the risk of infection because any mouth just naturally contains millions of bacteria that might be set on the site of the piercing.

Children’s Hospital Boston staff goes further to explain that there are external infections that can be introduced as well. These infections have names that we recognize, such as hepatitis, HIV, Lockjaw and yeast. The staff recognizes whether the piercer wash their hands and use sterile equipment and gloves, and if the pierced tongue is receiving appropriate treatment, the risk of infection is lower (but still exists).

According to dental health professionals to CHB, infections caused by bacteria entering the sting of piercing can also occur later, even after the piercing has healed.

Other risks include Keloids (thick scars at the piercing site), dental damage (chipped and broken teeth), choking on loose jewels and allergic reactions (especially for certain types of jewelry).

As a parent of Baby Boomer children GenX my concern is less with any negative characterization of people with pierced tongues and more with the maintenance of next generation healthy until they can reach adulthood.

I would advise anyone over the age of eighteen years, including my children, that body piercing is a big decision. I would encourage them to take time to consider the risks, bearing in mind that they can always change their mind or wait if they are unsure.

After understanding the risks, if you decide to get a piercing, I would like to emphasize the importance of selecting a reputable piercer, making sure they have a certificate on the wall that says that the piercer is registered with your application, a professional piercer organization that sets safety rules for the people who do the piercing.

In addition, of course they should buy good jewelry, keep the site clean and away from irritating materials, see their dental health professional regularly-and immediately if there are symptoms of an infection!

As a former wild and crazy mini skirt wearing now responsible yet hip MOM, how he would react if I discovered a barbell in the language of my child under the age of 18 years?

Sabtu, 30 Maret 2013

Guide to living a healthy life

With a lot of time changes occur in the human body. While some of these changes are visible, some cannot be traced to the naked eye. Everybody wants to stay healthy and fit in his mature years, but not everyone can achieve this. It’s pretty trivial to find a number of elderly, the development of serious physical ailments and complications. While the immune system weakens with age, most of age related diseases are caused by improper eating habits and lack of activity in life.

After reaching an age of aging, many people lose the desire to exercise and follow a balanced diet. However, the benefits of regular exercise and good nutrition are awesome in human life. Following a training regimen can be useful for an elderly person for a number of reasons. Many elderly people fall prey to heart disease and die prematurely. Exercising regularly can significantly reduce the likelihood of cardiac disorders. It also helps the elderly to stop the bones become fragile and weak.

Has been found by studies that exercise helps the lot at the age to combat the threat of diabetes better. Modern life has infused negative feelings such as depression and loneliness among the elderly. These feelings can be reduced largely by working out. Many persons aged excess weight gain due to an inactive life. Can burn excess calories and shed the flab through exercise.

To integrate the benefits of exercise, people aged need to adhere to a diet that has high nutritional value. Eating healthy foods rich in nutrients, they can keep the body fit. A fit body is a prerequisite to regularly exercise and lose weight. A senior person can do light exercise on a regular basis to get the benefits. To know the right way to exercise and avoid damage to her body and muscles, a senior person can take the help of a professional fitness trainer. It is important to breathe properly when one exercises.

Fitness experts recommend people to exercise in a relaxed state of mind. Exercise is often the best remedy for many diseases under control and then one must stick to an exercise regime. Elderly people enjoy exercise while listening to light music or watching TV. If one does not like the idea of working out alone can join a gym in the area. You can opt for a relaxing body massage after exercise session to relax the muscles.

Fungal infection-frequently asked questions

If you have a fungal infection, you should know that you are not alone. Millions of people around the country have some kind of infection, although only a handful will admit.

In this article, we will answer the most common questions people have about this condition and hopefully shed some light on the subject for you.

From where originate fungal infections?

The seeds are the primary source of fungal infections. You can get them from direct contact with the contaminated soil while gardening or through contact with other people who are afflicted with the condition. Using public swimming pools and shower rooms can also lead to fungal infections.

What are the types of fungal infections?

There are many varieties, but the most common are tinea, athlete’s foot, jock itch and candida. Tinea is also known as ringworm and affects a person’s nails, hair and skin. Athlete’s foot is the severe itching and scaling of the skin between the toes and in the lower part of the feet. This is common in people who are very active sports and sweat a lot, hence the name.

Jock itch refers to infection in the groin area while candida infection is commonly found in the mouth and the vagina.

How do I start the fungal infection?

If a body’s immune system is not so well-developed, germs can get into the system much more easily and nail fungus can grow much faster. Fungal infection usually enters the body through wounds and cuts.

How do we treat fungal infections?

Depending on the type of infection you have and the location of the infection, there are several treatments available. For fungal infections on the skin, you can apply antifungal creams that you can buy in your local pharmacy. Athlete’s foot can be cured using foot powder.

There are also oral medications available for all types of infection, but you should consult your doctor before taking these pills. For more severe cases, you must consult a dermatologist for proper treatment.

How long does it take to treat this condition?

Once again, the duration of treatment will depend on the particular infection you have. If the infection is on the nail, it can take up to a couple of months. Skin infections have a shorter time to heal.

How can we avoid it?

An easy way to do this is to eat a balanced diet rich in organic foods like fruits and vegetables. Drinking plenty of water also helps to rid the body of toxins and strengthen the immune system.

Practicing good hygiene is also one of the best ways to prevent fungal infections. Make sure you wash your hands and your feet thoroughly after using public facilities. Tend to all the cuts and wounds immediately even if they are minors.

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

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Rabu, 20 Maret 2013

Turn Key Real Estate Investments

Appreciation in value. Working with a Turn Key Real Estate Investments company Houston expert, you can choose properties that will continue to appreciate in value over time, which ensures that you will see your assets grow in the years to come. Commercial buildings in areas that show positive growth trend should provide not only promising monthly income potential, but also probably will provide an overall growth in value the longer they are invested. Of course, not all commercial real estate Houston is a wise investment; That's why investors experts work only with real estate investment companies that can demonstrate their competence.